ProjectBites LIVE! (Virtual)
Mistakes to Avoid in an Agile Transformation
Aina Alive
Cyber Security Considerations in Different Projects
Dave Davis
Mistakes to Avoid in an Agile Transformation
Aina Alive
If you were just made into agile, you might feel like you were just thrown into a pool with sharks. There is no formal training on mentorship in agile and on how to transform organizations. What's more, there often isn't a clear agreement on what this job should contain. In this presentation, we will go through the most common mistakes agilest make and my personal learning curve.
Cyber Security Considerations in Different Projects
Dave Davis
Cyber security is a major factor in most projects today! This presentation will focus on defining tasks / activities / user stories to assist the project manager properly define the workstream in the project. We will do a brief look at this workstream through three different lenses: 1) implementing and validating an enterprise-wide multi-factor authentication system. 2) integrating a new hospital into an existing network infrastructure, and 3) processing credit card payments in a new financial system. We’ll look at the business needs, the workstream activities, and coaching the business partners regarding their role in a successful project implementation.
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