Interested in joining our Chapter? It's easy as 3.1415....


Step 1) Ensure you are a member of PMI Global. Head to their Membership Page to learn more...

Step 2) Ensure your membership with PMI Global is up to date! Don't forget to renew and claim your PDUs. 

Step 3) Head to our Chapter's Page on the Global site, and when you're there - click "JoinChapter"! Local membership for the Vancouver Island Chapter is only $30 annually. 

Step 4) Congratulations! You're now a member of PMI-VI. You will have access to all the benefits of chapter membership, as well as login credentials on our website. Simply use your PMI login to access the member portion of PMI-VI's website.


PMI-VI members are encouraged to become actively involved in the Chapter’s operations. There are numerous opportunities to volunteer for Board and Committee positions.  In addition to helping the Chapter, it is an excellent way to network!
